Trips Offered — Fly Fishing with danny's guide service

Trip Details

Large Brazos river bass!

Dallas/Fort Worth- Offering trips in the 17’ skiff, floats in the raft, paddle trips in our diablo paddle sports and bonifide rvr119 kayaks and wade trips around North Texas on several different Lakes, the Brazos and Trinity Rivers and several different Creeks. Targeting but not limited to Striped bass/ hybrid bass, White Bass, Largemouth bass, Spotted bass, Smallmouth bass, Bowfin, Common carp, all the Gar species, Freshwater drum, Crappie, chain pickerel and Sunfish. Ask us about our multi day paddle trips and float trips down the Brazos. Bodies of water include Brazos and Trinity river systems, Lake Ray Roberts, Lake Fork, Lake Ray Hubbard, Lake Tawakoni and a few other depending on time of year and types of fish you want to target.

Bluegill streamer eater on the Brazos River.

North Houston - Full of fishing opportunities throughout the year. Mostly targeting Largemouth Bass, my local favorite Spotted Bass, Bowfin, Alligator Gar, Carp and a really good Whitebass and Crappie run in the Spring (Feb-April). Trips here are offered as Walk/Wade trips up and down the feeder creeks or paddle/Float trips in our Diablo Paddlesport's Amigos, bonafide rvr119 or Flycraft raft or ride comfy in the 17’ skiff to several different areas such as Lake Houston, Lake Conroe, Lake Raven, San Jacinto river system and the trinity river system all depending on which is fishing best and what your want to target.

Bowfin in the Swamps!

Other local areas are offered depending on the time of year and how the fishing is. Feel free to ask about other local opportunities. I get to fish most of the state and know a lot of water and target all the freshwater species! Overnight multiday floats and paddle adventures are also a treat for the more adventurous folks.

Cast and Blast options are available for the first and second split in the North zone on the Brazos from Possum kingdom to Waco. Or go private at Texas Racks and Quacks in Goodrich with lodging, trophy whitetial, hog hunting and fly fishing opportunities on their lake or the Trinity river.


Double on White bass!

Large alligator gar on the Trinity river caught on a 12wt!

First time fly carpers getting it done in spring flood waters